Pastors Message
We’re glad to have you lift your voice in praise to the Almighty with us today at Faith Community Methodist Church. With the Psalmist, we’re glad to have been in the “house of the Lord” this Lord’s day.
For those passing through town, thanks for stopping and worshipping. You’ve been a blessing to us, and we pray we’ve been a blessing for you. Stop by again when you’re back this way. Enjoy your trip –Godspeed.
For those new to Jacksonville, welcome to town! This town is blessed with many fine churches, each distinctive and faithful to the Kingdom of God. Perhaps there’s something unique about Faith Church, an area of service or study or worship where you’d best be a part. There are a variety of ministry opportunities. Check out the bulletin or contact Rev. Barry for more information.
For those new or returning to the church, welcome home. God calls us all to Himself, and it’s our conviction –we’re here to prove it — that spirituality, particularly Christianity, is most fully lived out in the congregation of God’s people. You figured out we’re not all together, but we’re working on this journey of faith and we would like to invite you to come along with us for the ride.
Please consider being our guest if there’s a dinner after church today or if the bulletin lists a Wednesday night supper. It will be a chance to enjoy a good meal and conversation. If not, consider this our invitation to you to join us again.
The Reverend Barry Andrews, Pastor
Pastors Message
We’re glad to have you lift your voice in praise to the Almighty with us today at Faith Community Methodist Church. With the Psalmist, we’re glad to have been in the “house of the Lord” this Lord’s day.
For those passing through town, thanks for stopping and worshipping. You’ve been a blessing to us, and we pray we’ve been a blessing for you. Stop by again when you’re back this way. Enjoy your trip –Godspeed.
For those new to Jacksonville, welcome to town! This town is blessed with many fine churches, each distinctive and faithful to the Kingdom of God. Perhaps there’s something unique about Faith Church, an area of service or study or worship where you’d best be a part. There are a variety of ministry opportunities. Check out the bulletin or contact Rev. Barry for more information.
For those new or returning to the church, welcome home. God calls us all to Himself, and it’s our conviction –we’re here to prove it — that spirituality, particularly Christianity, is most fully lived out in the congregation of God’s people. You figured out we’re not all together, but we’re working on this journey of faith and we would like to invite you to come along with us for the ride.
Please consider being our guest if there’s a dinner after church today or if the bulletin lists a Wednesday night supper. It will be a chance to enjoy a good meal and conversation. If not, consider this our invitation to you to join us again.
The Reverend Barry Andrews, Pastor